Tuesday 28 November 2017

Head Of Online Trading Jobb Beskrivelse

jobbbeskrivelser skrive jobbeskrivelser og eksempler, stillingsbeskrivelser, direktøransvar Jobbeskrivelser er vanligvis viktige for å administrere personer i organisasjoner. Jobbbeskrivelser kreves for rekruttering slik at du og søkerne kan forstå jobbrollen. Jobbeskrivelser er nødvendige for de fleste på jobb. En stillingsbeskrivelse definerer en persons rolle og ansvar. Uten en jobbeskrivelse er det vanligvis svært vanskelig for en person å forplikte seg til, eller bli ansvarlig for, en rolle. Dette er spesielt så i store organisasjoner. Som ansatt kan du ha eller bli gitt mulighet til å ta ansvar for din stillingsbeskrivelse. Dette er bra. Det lar deg klargjøre forventningene med arbeidsgiver og sjef. Prosessen med å skrive jobbbeskrivelser er faktisk ganske enkelt og rett frem. Mange har en tendens til å starte med en liste med 20-30 oppgaver, noe som er greit som en start, men dette må raffineres til langt færre poeng, rundt 8-12 er det ideelle. Mindre organisasjoner krever vanligvis ansatte og ledere som dekker et bredere eller mer blandet ansvarsområde enn i større organisasjoner (for eksempel kan kontorlederrollen omfatte økonomisk, HR, lagerstyring, planlegging og andre oppgaver). Derfor kan jobbeskrivelser i mindre organisasjoner nødvendigvis inneholde et større antall oppført ansvar, kanskje 15-16. Uansett omstendighetene bør antall ansvarsområder ikke overstige dette, eller stillingsbeskrivelsen blir uhåndterlig og ineffektiv. Enhver jobbbeskrivelse som inneholder 20-30 oppgaver, er faktisk mer som en del av en operativ håndbok, som tjener en annen hensikt. Jobbbeskrivelser bør referere til driftshåndboken eller til avtalt prosedyre, i stedet for å inkludere detaljene i oppgavene i stillingsbeskrivelsen. Hvis du inkluderer oppgavedetaljer i en jobbeskrivelse, må du endre det når oppgavedetaljer endres, slik det ofte vil gjøre. Hva vil du heller endre, 100 stillingsbeskrivelser eller en operasjonsmanual Likeledes må lengre detaljer om helse - og sikkerhetsprosedyrer ikke inkluderes i en stillingsbeskrivelse. I stedet legg dem i en helse - og sikkerhetshåndbok, og så bare henvis til dette i stillingsbeskrivelsen. Når du endrer helse - og sikkerhetsprosedyren, vil du heller endre 100 stillingsbeskrivelser eller bare en helse - og sikkerhetshåndbok. En nyttig prosess for å raffinere og skrive jobbbeskrivelser ansvar til færre punkter og (ansvar i stedet for individuelle oppgaver) er å gruppere mange individuelle oppgaver i hovedansvarlige områder, for eksempel listen nedenfor (ikke alle vil gjelde for en enkelt rolle). Fet type indikerer at disse ansvarsområdene normalt vil fungere i de fleste stillingsbeskrivelser: Fet type indikerer at disse ansvarsområdene normalt vil fungere i de fleste stillingsbeskrivelser: kommunikasjon (i forhold til hvem, hva, hvordan - og dette gjelder alle under) planlegging og organisere (av hva ..) administrere informasjon eller generell administrasjon støtte (av hva ..) overvåking og rapportering (av hva ..) evaluering og beslutningstaking (av hva ..) finansiell budsjettering og kontroll (av hva ..) produsere ting (hva ..) vedlikeholdsparting ting (hva ..) kvalitetskontroll (for produksjon roller normalt et eget ansvar ellers dette er vanligvis innarbeidet i andre relevante ansvar) (av hva ..) helse og sikkerhet (normalt samme punkt for alle jobbbeskrivelser av en gitt personellklasse) ved hjelp av utstyr og systemer (hva ..) skape og utvikle ting (hva ..) selvutvikling (normalt det samme punktet for alle stillingsbeskrivelser av en gitt personellgrad e) pluss eventuelle ansvarsforhold for annet personale, hvis det er aktuelt, typisk: rekruttering (av direkte rapporteringspersonell) vurdering av (direkte rapporteringspersonell) opplæring (direkte rapporteringspersonale) ledelse (direkte rapporteringspersonale) Seniorroller vil inneholde flere utøvende aspekter: utvikle politisk plikt til omsorg og samfunnsansvar formulering av retning og strategi Du vil finne at du kan koble de fleste oppgavene til din (først og fremst svært lange) liste i en liste over langt færre (men likevel spesifikke) ansvarsområder i henhold til eksemplene ovenfor. av typiske jobbbeskrivelsesaktivitetsområder. Selvfølgelig påvirker myndighetsnivået omfanget av ansvaret i stillingsbeskrivelsen for å bestemme strategi, beslutningsprosesser, styre andre mennesker og for ledende roller, bestemme retning, policy og levere bedriftens prestasjoner. Når det er mulig, referer detaljene til standarder og prosess til din driftshåndbok eller avtalt prosedyre eller avtalte standarder, i stedet for å la jobben beskrivelsen bli en slags driftshåndbok. Hvis sjefen eller arbeidsgiveren ber deg om å detaljere oppgavene dine i lengden i en stillingsbeskrivelse, oppfordrer deg til å organisere denne detaljnivået i en operativ håndbok - det vil spare mye tid. Å skrive eller omskrive en stillingsbeskrivelse er en god mulighet til å ramme rollen som du liker den, samt reflektere hvordan det er for øyeblikket, så prøv å tenke utenom den vanlige måten å tenke på, og hvis dette er vanskelig, søk etter Innspill av noen som er mindre nær ting. Jobbeskrivelser er viktige Jobbbeskrivelser forbedrer organisasjonens evne til å styre folk og roller på følgende måter: klargjør arbeidsgiverens forventninger til arbeidstaker gir grunnlag for å måle jobbprestasjon gir tydelig beskrivelse av rolle for jobbkandidater gir en struktur og disiplin for bedriften å forstå og strukturere alle jobber og sikre nødvendige aktiviteter, plikter og ansvar er dekket av en jobb eller en annen gir kontinuitet i rolleparametere uansett lederens tolkning, gjør det mulig å strukturere lønns - og klassesystemer rett og logisk, forhindrer vilkårlig tolkning av rolleinnhold og begrensning av ansatt og arbeidsgiver og leder essensielt referanseværktøy i saker av arbeidstaker-tvist essensielt referanseverktøy for disiplinproblemer gir viktige referansepunkter for opplærings - og utviklingsområder gir nøytrale og objektive (i motsetning til subjektive eller vilkårlig) referansepunkter for vurdering, ytelse revi ews og counseling gjør det mulig å formulere ferdighetssett og oppføringsoppsett krav per rolle gjør det mulig for organisasjonen å strukturere og styre roller på en ensartet måte, og dermed øke effektiviteten og effektiviteten av rekruttering, opplæring og utvikling, organisasjonsstruktur, arbeidsflyt og aktiviteter, kundeservice, osv. gjør det mulig å ta i betraktning fakta (i motsetning til instinktiv) av ansatte og ledere i karriereprogresjon og oppfølgingsplanlegging. (Listen er ikke uttømmende.) Her finner du jobbbeskrivelser, struktur og mal, og eksempler på ulike stillingsbeskrivelser. Også mal og prøvepersonprofil, nødvendig når du rekrutterer. Vær veldig forsiktig med å overholde relevant ansettelse en diskrimineringslov når du oppretter jobbeskrivelser, jobbannonser og personprofiler. I Storbritannia betyr dette at du ikke må spesifisere en preferanse etter kjønn, rase, trosretning, religion eller fysisk evne. Hvis du finner deg selv å skrive en stillingsbeskrivelse med en forspenning i noen av disse områdene, bør du spørre deg selv hvorfor, siden ingen kan rettferdiggjøres. I Storbritannia har selskapets styremedlemmer personlig ansvar for virksomhetene i deres organisasjoner bortsett fra deres funksjonelle ansvar, og uten tvil skal denne ansvarligheten inkluderes på en eller annen måte i en styremedlemsbeskrivelse. Klarhet er viktig. Mennesker og arbeidsgivere må ha en klar, gjensidig avtale om forventningene til jobben, og stillingsbeskrivelsen er et nøkkelinstrument hvor dette oppnås. Når det er sagt, jobbeskrivelser er ikke driftshåndbøker. Jeg gjentar, holder beskrivelsen av plikter konsistent og fri for detaljerte drifts - eller behandlingsinstruksjoner. Om nødvendig, se dette er et uttrykk som i henhold til selskapets prosedyrer, eller i henhold til bruksanvisningen for brukermanualen etc. Ved å henvise til snarere enn å inkludere spesifikke driftsstandarder eller prosesser, unngår hovedpinen for å oppdatere alle jobbbeskrivelsene når prosedyrene endres. jobbbeskrivelse mal Jobbtittel Basert på (Forretningsenhet, Seksjon - hvis aktuelt) Posisjonsrapporter til (Linjelederens tittel, plassering og Funksjonsleder, plassering hvis matrisestyringsstruktur) Jobformål Sammendrag (ideelt sett en setning) Hovedansvar og ansvar, ( eller plikter. 8-15 nummererte punkter) DimensjonerTerritoryScopeSkalaindikatorer (de områdene som ansvarsområder utvides og omfanget av ansvar - ansatte, kunder, territorium, produkter, utstyr, lokaler osv.) Dato og andre relevante interne referanser For ledende stillingsbeskrivelser er det nyttig å bryte sentrale ansvarsområder i seksjoner som dekker funksjonelle, ledelsesmessige og organisatoriske områder. Den vanskeligste delen er nøkkelansvar og ansvarsområder. Store organisasjoner har generiske versjoner for de mest vanlige organisatoriske roller - så ikke gjenoppfinne hjulet hvis noe som allerede er egnet. Hvis du må opprette en jobbeskrivelse fra grunnen av, bruk denne metoden for å produsere 8-15 ansvar: Legg ned på en helt tilfeldig måte alle aspekter av jobben. Tenk på: prosesser, planlegging, gjennomføring, overvåkning, rapportering, kommunikasjon, styring av folkeslagsaktiviteter, informasjon om informasjon, utdata, kommunikasjonstid. Deretter kombinerer og utvikler den tilfeldige samlingen av ideer til et sett av hovedansvar. (En junior stilling vil ikke trenge mer enn 8. En eldre man kan trenge 15.) Rangere dem omtrent i rekkefølge av betydning. Ha noen som vet eller har gjort jobben, velg listen og endre etter behov. Kontroller at alt på listen er oppriktig viktig og oppnåelig. Ikke sett mål i en stillingsbeskrivelse. Mål er en bevegelig utgang over hvilken du trenger fleksibel kontroll. Ikke sett må oppnå salgsmål i en stillingsbeskrivelse. Dette er en ren produksjon og beskriver ikke jobben. Stillingsbeskrivelsen må beskrive aktivitetene som kreves for å sikre at målet blir oppfylt. Ikke ha som et av hovedansvarene og alt annet som lederen ønsker. Det er ikke rettferdig, og ingen er noensinne forpliktet til eller ansvarlig for en slik ting. Jobbbeskrivelse eksempel 1: Jobbbeskrivelse - SNP Co Ltd Tittel. Salgs - og markedsføringsrapporter til: Salgs - og markedsdirektør, Newtown. Basert på: Sparkly New Products Co Ltd, Technology House, Newtown. For å planlegge og gjennomføre direkte markedsførings - og salgsaktiviteter, for å opprettholde og utvikle salg av SNPs, ABC-maskiner spenner seg til britiske hovedkontoer og spesifikatorer, i samsvar med avtalte forretningsplaner. Viktige ansvarsområder og ansvar: Opprettholde og utvikle en datastyrt kunde - og prospektdatabase. Planlegg og gjennomfør direkte markedsføringsaktiviteter (hovedsakelig direkte post) til avtalt budsjetter, salgsvolum, verdier, produktmiks og tidsrammer. Utvikle ideer og skape tilbud for direktemelding og markedsføring til store kontoer etter hovedmarkedssektoren og SNPs ABC-produkter. Svar på og følg opp salgsforespørsler via post, telefon og personlige besøk. Opprettholde og utvikle eksisterende og nye kunder gjennom planlagt individuell kontosupport og kontakt med internt bestillingspersonell. Overvåk og rapporter om aktiviteter og gi relevant ledelsesinformasjon. Utfør markedsundersøkelser, konkurrenter og kundeundersøkelser. Opprettholde og rapportere om utstyr og programvare egnethet for direkte markedsføring og salg rapporteringsformål. Forbind og delta på møter med andre bedriftsfunksjoner som er nødvendige for å utføre oppgaver og støtte forretningsvirksomhet og organisasjonsutvikling. Administrer ekstern markedsføring byrå aktiviteter av telemarketing og forskning. Delta i trening og å utvikle relevant kunnskap og ferdigheter. Skala og territorium indikatorer: Kjerne produktspekter av fire ABC-maskiner prisklasse pound50 til pound250. Målsektorer: Alle større flersidige organisasjoner har mer enn 1000 ansatte. Prospect database ca.10.000 hovedkontorer for store organisasjoner. Kundebase av ca 150 store organisasjoner. Typisk kontoverdi pund20-50k pa. Total personlig inntektsansvarlig potensiell pund4,5m. Territory: UK. (dato og referanse) Flere stillingsbeskrivelser Typiske ansvar er oppført ved foten av denne siden. Hvis du rekrutterer for å fylle en rolle, er det viktig å formulere en personprofil for å hjelpe med jobberannonsering som psykometrisk profilering, kortlasting av intervjuepunkter for vurdering og sluttvalg. Personlig profilmal: Personlighet Personlig situasjon Spesifikk jobbferdigheter Datamaskinfaglighet Litteratur og tallrikskap Kommersiell kompetansehåndteringsevne Et eksempel er vist her for rollen ovenfor: Prøvepersonprofil Personprofil - Salg og markedsføring Executive Personality: Selvdrevet, resultatorientert med et positivt utsikter, og et klart fokus på høy kvalitet og forretningsresultat. En naturlig fremtidsplanlegger som kritisk vurderer egen ytelse. Eldre, troverdige og komfortable i å håndtere eldre store selskapsledere. Pålitelig, tolerant og bestemt. Empatisk kommunikator, i stand til å se ting fra de andre personers synspunkt. Godt presentert og forretningsmessig. Tilstrekkelig mobil og fleksibel til å reise opp til noen dager i måneden i Storbritannia. Keen for ny erfaring, ansvar og ansvar. Kan komme videre med andre og være en lagspiller. Personlig situasjon: Må være moden og innenlands sikker. Kunne tilbringe en eller to netter borte i måneden uten å forstyrre den innenlandske situasjonen. Kunne pendle pålitelig til kontorbase. Kunne arbeide lengre timer ved anledninger når det kreves. Kan være økonomisk, men ikke desperat eller i alvorlig gjeld. Må ha rent eller nært rent førerkort. Spesifikk jobbferdigheter: Kan kommunisere og motivere via skriftlig media. Forstå prinsippene om markedsøkonomi og reklame kostnadseffektivitet, inkludert markedsområdemålretting, produkttilbudsutvikling, funksjoner-fordeler-løsninger som selger, kostnad per svar, kostnad per konvertering, etc. Godtgjør behovet for konsistens innen companys merkevarebygging og markedsføringsmiks, spesielt PR og Internett. Erfaring med å administrere markedsføringsvirksomhet aktiviteter nyttig. Datakompetanse: Må være adept i bruk av MS Office 2000 eller senere, spesielt Excel og Word, og helst Access eller lignende database til grunnnivå, Internett og e-post. Literacy and Numeracy: Kunne forstå fortjeneste og tap beregninger og grunnleggende business finance, for eksempel bruttomargin prosenter og beregninger, avskrivninger, kapital og inntekter utgifter, kontantstrøm, overhead, osv. Må være en svært kompetent forfatter av forretningsbrev, sitater og forslag. Forretnings - og salgsferdigheter. Må være et utmerket ansikt til ansikt og telefonkommunikator. Kunne vise suksess og erfaring med å administrere store kundekontoer og store kontrakter eller til og med en bedrift, spesielt for å oppnå ekte salgsutvikling. Ideell bakgrunn ville være i forretningsstøttetjenester erfaring med vaskerom og kontraktrengjøringsindustrien ville være spesielt nyttig. Erfaring med anbud vil også være nyttig. Ledelsesevne: Selv om internt ledelse ikke i utgangspunktet er en del av jobben, kan ansvar og muligheter øke med utvikling av virksomheten, for eksempel muligheten til å rekruttere og administrere kundeservice. Noen mennesker-ledelse ferdigheter, erfaring og naturlig evne vil være nyttig. tips om å skape, introdusere og godta jobbbeskrivelser Det finnes flere måter å nærme seg behovet for nye eller oppdaterte stillingsbeskrivelser i en organisasjon eller avdeling, og disse metodene kan også oppnå andre nyttige fordeler. Verkstedmetoden er spesielt effektiv og tidsbesparende. Workshop (se delene på workshops en brainstorming) - folk brainstorm og utkast jobben beskrivelser i par eller tre - ideer deles, beste formater avtalt og toppledelsen er i stand til å delta, veilede og godkjenne. Denne prosessen for å skape eller revidere stillingsbeskrivelser er også veldig god for å skape en følelse av ansvar og ansvar, og for å klargjøre gjensidig forståelse og forventninger. Kaskade en grunnleggende tom mal ned gjennom personalet, og be om at hver medarbeider skal utarbeide det de tror er det egen JD, og ​​for hver person å midlertidig godkjenne JD med deres linjessjef. Disse utkastene kommer da tilbake til senter for gjennomgang, justering og gjenutstedelse. Fremmer også nyttig diskusjon og avklaring av forventninger mellom medarbeiderne og deres ledere. Utkast til foreløpige generiske formater i sentrum - deretter kaskade gjennom ansatte via linjeledere for kommentarer, mellom ansatte og linjeledere. Generelle poeng ved å opprette eller oppdatere stillingsbeskrivelser: Hvor du har en rekke lignende jobbfunksjoner, kan du prøve å begrense de viktigste jobbbeskrivelsestypene så lite som mulig. Reflektere jobbforskjeller i myndighetsnivå, anciennitet og skala mm, i parametere delen av hovedjobbbeskrivelsen. Oppfordre linjeledere til å holde egne workshops møter for å komme til felles beste ideer og konsensus. Din fagforening (er) kan være i stand til å hjelpe med noen generiske jobbbeskrivelsesprøver. Det er også verdt å spørre store partnerkunderorganisasjoner hvis de kan vise deg tilsvarende stillingsbeskrivelser, hvor de har lignende jobber. direktøransvar, samfunnsansvar og stillingsbeskrivelser Det er muligens noen spesielle aspekter ved en selskapsdirektørrolle som bør gjenspeiles i stillingsbeskrivelser bortsett fra normale funksjonelle oppgaver eller arbeidsoppgaver. Dette skyldes ikke minst at styremedlemmer er personlig ansvarlige for bedriftsvirksomhet, og det er også ansvar for alle direktører, i tillegg til deres vanlige funksjonelle ansvar, at spørsmål om etikk, moral, lovlighet, sikkerhet, omsorgstjeneste etc. Hvordan du tar disse aspektene inn i styremedlemmer jobben beskrivelser (og logisk inn i styremessige vurderinger) er et spørsmål om tolkning og politikk. En fangst-all setning er et alternativ, for eksempel: Utfør ansvaret til en bedriftsleder i henhold til lovlige og etiske standarder, som referert i. (Uansett direktørpolitikk og standarddokument du kan bruke). Andor med voksende betydning, for eksempel: Opprettholde, bevare og fremme organisasjonens verdier og filosofi knyttet spesielt til etikk, integritet, samfunnsansvar, sosialt ansvar, Fair Trade, etc. som referert i. (Uansett organisasjonsverdier og filosofiske standarder dokumenterer du kanskje bruk). Men i denne moderne tidsalder er det et økende behov for organisasjoner å være mer spesifikt om hva alt dette betyr for regissører. De fleste om ikke alle de store bedriftskandaler de siste tider kan tilskrives på en eller annen måte til styremedlemmer som forsømmer eller er uvitende om deres ansvar for noen mindre åpenbare men viktige områder av etikk, integritet, moral og organisatorisk ansvar. Når slike ansvarsområder er tydelig fremhevet, og vurderingen av styremedlemmernes prestasjoner tilstrekkelig gjennomsiktig, er organisasjoner langt mindre åpne for risiko for bedriftsskandal, bedrageri og andre katastrofer. I tillegg vokser ansatte og kunder stadig mer oppmerksomme og krevende av bedriftens ytelse i disse ikke-økonomiske menneskene og planetområdene, og den økende synligheten av bedriftskultur og atferd gjennom utvikling av moderne kommunikasjon og fenomener som blogging vokser hvert år . Det er få bedriftshemmeligheter lenger - nesten alle har tilgang til nesten alt. Snart blir det ingen forretningshemmeligheter i det hele tatt. Det er derfor fornuftig for alle organisasjoner å vurdere og forbedre sin egen stilling i forhold til bedriftsansvar, før verden i stor grad gjør det for dem. Regjeringens ansvar, deres relative betydning og hvordan de formes, i de ikke-funksjonelle områdene (etikk, miljø, mennesker, planeten, samfunnet osv.) Reflekterer naturligvis selskapets filosofi for den aktuelle organisasjonen, og dette er mekanismen for hvilken endring og forbedring kan gjøres. Organisasjonen må med andre ord ha en tydelig uttalte stilling (hvorfra kultur og ånd - filosofien - i selskapet) som tydelig forklarer den relative prioriteten innenfor organisatoriske mål med ansvar for ansatte, kunder, aksjonærer, fellesskap, miljø , etc. og også betydningen av moral og etikk innenfor organisatorisk etos. Disse kritiske ikke-funksjonelle menneskelighet og planetansvar stammer fra filosofien øverst i organisasjonen, ikke PR-avdelingen. Bedriftsansvar (eller hvilken beskrivelse du pleier å bruke) er et utfordrende og flytende emne, omgitt av mye debatt, preget av ulike konvergerende perspektiver, særlig Triple Bottom Line (Profit People Planet), etikk og integritet, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility - forkortet rett og slett til Corporate Responsibility), bærekraft, Fair Trade, etc. Tolkning av alt dette og skape en fungerende plattform for alt innen en organisasjon er ansvarlig for administrerende direktør (eller tilsvarende). I en institusjonell ikke-for-profit organisasjon vil forvalterne eller guvernørene i siste instans bære boksen for alvorlige feil. I en klubb vil det være komiteens medlemmer. Boken stopper alltid et sted, og hvis det er med deg, må du sjekke at ansvaret og oppdraget ditt tilstrekkelig reflekterer din ansvarlighet. I konvensjonelle profittdrevne selskaper ligger ansvaret hos direktørene, og det er derfor ledere stillingsbeskrivelser må stave ut disse ansvarene - i hvilken grad organisasjonen (konsernsjefen typisk) anser det som passende. Midtforvaltere som prøver å fornemme seg for det hele og lurer på hvordan man bruker det til strategisk planlegging og beslutningsprosesser, vil finne det vanskelig å fylle et vakuum i dette området, en som ofte er tilfelle. Standard bedriftens filosofi er vanligvis profitt alene, uten ekte referanse til humanitære og planetariske problemer, som til slutt er en oppskrift på katastrofe. Jo større selskap og dets potensielle forpliktelser, desto større er katastrofen når og hvis det oppstår. Kjemikalier, helsetjenester, transport, bilindustrien, legemidler, finansielle tjenester, mat og drikke, forbrukerteknologi og tobakksprodukter er åpenbare eksempler på høyansvarlige næringer, som hver har produsert ved en rekke massive bedrifters virksomhet de siste årene, og disse vil ikke være den siste. Styrere (og dermed ledere og alle andre ansatte) trenger en bredere og mer subtil referanseramme enn profitt alene for å muliggjøre og oppmuntre dem til å planlegge, lede, håndtere og handle på en mer inkluderende og filosofisk akseptabel måte enn bare å fokusere på fortjeneste eller kostnader. Aksjeeierens avkastning (eller økonomisk ytelse) er avgjørende selvfølgelig, men det må aldri være det eneste målet. Med hensyn til de mer enkle problemene (sikkerhet, lovlig etc), i Storbritannia kan ulike organer bidra til å bestemme det tradisjonelle regissøransvaret. Instituttets styre produserer spesifikke retningslinjer for ansvar for styremedlemmer (iod). Andre mulige innspillskilder fra ulike perspektiver: ACAS - Rådgivende, Forliksbehandling og voldgiftstjeneste (acas. co. uk), Offentlige avdelinger og deres nettsider (for eksempel gov. uk). Jeg nevner disse fordi de gir et visst nivå av råd gratis. Hvis du er ny på HR - eller personellrollen, må du kontrollere om organisasjonen din (eller for eksempel morselskapet) har bedriftsmedlemskap til IOD, CIPD, etc. eller beholder tjenester fra en spesialisert rådgivende rådgiver. Du trenger hjelp til å tolke et passende svar på disse nye utfordringene, både i å overtale seniorer at disse er betydelige problemer, ikke bare en PR-sak eller en overgangsstreng, og også å formulere en praktisk og relevant tilnærming til det hele. Når det gjelder bedriftsansvar i en sannere bredere forstand (mennesker, planet, etikk, osv.) Er standarder og referanseverter fortsatt flytende - det er vanskelig å måle fordelene med disse tingene, derfor tar de lang tid å bli akseptert og vedtatt ( som avskaffelse av slaveri, stemmer for kvinner, osv.). Men det betyr ikke at du ikke kan ta ledelsen og formulere dine egne standarder. Organisasjoner som forsøker å legge til rette for etiske og humanitære standarder og praksis, vil i økende grad være leverandører og arbeidsgivere av valg for alle rettferdige mennesker. Organisasjoner som ikke klarer å håndtere disse viktige spørsmålene om etikk, menneskehet, sosial og miljømessig ansvar etc., og som ikke reflekterer disse ansvarene i regissørene (og dermed alle andre ansattes) ansvar, tar noen store farer, mens de organisasjonene som omfavner og Vedta disse høyereordensverdiene vil nesten uunngåelig skape for seg en mer bærekraftig fremtid. jobbeskrivelse prøver Her er noen typiske stillingsbeskrivelser ansvar for andre roller. Vær oppmerksom på at disse ansvarslister ikke utgjør fulle jobbbeskrivelser, du må legge til ansvar for å reflektere din egen organisasjonssituasjon, og deretter legge til de andre stillingselementene beskrevet ovenfor, dvs. rapportene til, basert på, jobbformål og skalaindikatorer . Jeg anbefaler alltid sterkt å bygge dine egne jobbbeskrivelser på grunn av behovet for å ha noe som passer til dine egne krav. Jobtitler er veldig vage - særlig roller knyttet til kundeservice, og hvilken som helst rolle med grensesnitt over organisasjonen og eller eksternt - Funksjonene og beskrivelsene betyr forskjellige ting for forskjellige bedrifter, og det er så enkelt å gjøre feil forutsetninger ved å bruke noen andre standarder. Begynn med å tenke på hva du egentlig vil ha rollen å gjøre for din organisasjon, ikke hva rollen kan gjøre for andre selskaper. typisk jobbbeskrivelse plikter eksempler import og eksport administratormanager - typisk jobbbeskrivelse plikter Importexport manager eller administrator jobb er potensielt en stor en som dekker et bredt spekter av ansvar. I tillegg varierer importexport manageradministrator jobbeskrivelser i henhold til land, lokale importexportlover og prosedyrer, og rollen som kreves i organisasjonen, hvor rollen kan legge vekt på noen eller alle følgende aspekter: salg, kjøp og kjøp, økonomi, juridisk, administrasjon. Det er altfor mange plikter her for en enkelt jobbbeskrivelse velg oppgaver fra eksemplene nedenfor for å lage en jobbeskrivelse som passer til din egen situasjon. Behandle bevegelsen av produktspesifikasjonsmaterialer i eller utenfor landet i samsvar med organisasjonspolitikk og - prosedyre, og å overholde relevant lokal, land og internasjonal lov og prosess. Administrer nødvendig dokumentasjon og elektroniske skjemaer for effektiv, kostnadseffektiv og lovlig utførelse av alle importexportaktiviteter. Opprettholde og dele med kollegaer etter behov, personlig kjennskap til all relevant importexport lov og prosedyrer takster og plikter lisenser og begrensninger. Administrer finansielle og valuta prosesser og transaksjoner i samsvar med politikk og lov, og for å optimalisere kostnadseffektiviteten av aktiviteter. Kommunisere med eksport og import og tilhørende myndigheter, og kunder og leverandører, i alle relevante områder og land, for å sikre effektive, positive og lovlige relasjoner, støtte og aktiviteter. Forutse, undersøke og rapportere om fremtidige endringer i importexportlover og i relevant lokal territoriumspraksis, og sørg for at slik kunnskap inngår i planleggingen av instituttets egen strategi, ressurser og prosedyrer. Planlegge og implementere importexportstrategi og aktiviteter i samsvar med overordnede mål og krav til organisasjonen. Administrer alle ansatte rapportering til stillingen for effektivt å rekruttere, trene, evaluere, motivere, delegere og overvåke deres aktiviteter. Forbind med andre avdelinger for å etablere og opprettholde effektive og relevante eksportimportaktiviteter og støtte i forhold til organisasjonene salg, innkjøp, materialstyring, produksjon og generelle driftsfunksjoner. Følg lokale og eksternt relevante helse - og sikkerhetslover og retningslinjer. Bruk personlig vurdering og initiativ til å utvikle effektive og konstruktive løsninger på utfordringer og hindringer i importexportaktivitet og - prosedyrer. Overvåk, registrer, analyser og rapporter om aktiviteter, trender, resultater og anbefalinger knyttet til importexportaktiviteter. Manageliaise med lager kontroll, lager og distribusjon aktiviteter påvirket av eller avhengig av importexport aktiviteter. Behandle og vedlikeholde effektive og lovlige forsikringsbestemmelser knyttet til importexportaktiviteter. Opprettholde personlig evne i og hensiktsmessig bruk av alle relevante IKT (Informasjonsformidling Kommunikasjonsteknologi) og andre systemer innen importeksportfunksjonen. Forbered og send relevant administrasjon på en rettidig og nøyaktig måte, for eksempel: leveringsplaner kredittkort ECGD dokumenter kreditt kontrollmekanismer lisenser erklæringer pakking, ruting, transport og sikkerhetsdokumentasjon. Undersøk, planlegg og implementere strategisk effektive og relevante transportmetoder, som optimalt oppfyller behovene til organisasjonen og dets leverandører og kunder. Planlegg og administrer oversjøisk salg gjennom distributører og andre relevante salgssteder. Planlegg og administrer effektiv og nødvendig konvertering av vekter, størrelser, verdier og kvalitetsstandarder mellom import og eksport av systemer og territorier. Behandle språklige og kommunikasjonske oversettelsesproblemer og aktiviteter som nødvendig for å muliggjøre effektive relasjoner, distribusjon og integrering av importert eksportert materiale, produkt, utstyr i leverandørkjeden til importør og eksportør (for eksempel håndteringsanvisninger, bruksanvisninger, produktopplæring, osv.). Forhandle kontrakter om salgssalg og administrere forny, gjennomgå kontrakter etter behov for å muliggjøre effektive handels-, operasjons - og kundeserviceforhold. Forretningsutvikling Managerexecutivedirector - Typisk jobbbeskrivelse Oppdragsutviklingens jobbtittel kan bety forskjellige ting. Noen organisasjoner refererer til salgs - og kontoadministrasjonsjobber som forretningsutvikling, i så fall referer til arbeidsgiverbeskrivelsen nedenfor. Bedriftsutviklingsjobbbeskrivelsen - og spesielt omfanget av strategisk og myndighetsansvar - avhenger av hvem rollen rapporterer til, og omfanget av og kompleksiteten i virksomheten (markeder, produkttjenester, territorium osv.) Skal utvikles. This is an example of typical responsibilities of a senior business development role, or business development director: Market and technology research Formulation of strategy Distribution channel analysis and development New product development planning and management Technology transfer, licensing, partnerships assessment and development Marketing and advertising and promotion planning Sales organisation planning and development Importexport development Business planning Launch and implementation If the business development job has direct-reporting staff then the above would tend to be managed via others, and the role would include people-management, recruitment, motivation, training and development staffing responsibilities Appropriate Administration, budgeting, monitoring, reporting, communication and liaison. Health and safety adherence Self-development and continuing personal development (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). account managersales person - typical job description duties The account manager or sales-person job has many variations. These are the typical responsibilities of a modern office-based or field-based salesperson. This list is probably too long for a normal job description - it includes similar variations of individual responsibilities which you can select as appropriate. Plan and prioritise personal sales activities and customerprospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity. Plan and manage personal business portfolioterritorybusiness according to an agreed market development strategy. Manage productservice mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims. Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods, and relevant internal liaison, to optimise quality of service, business growth, and customer and satisfaction. Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update relevant information held in these systems. Plancarry outsupport local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e. g. product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing. Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods. Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information. Record, analyse, report and administer according to systems and requirements. Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships. Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development. Attend training and to develop relevant knowledge, techniques and skills. Adhere to health and safety policy, and other requirements relating to care of equipment. administrative assistant - typical job description duties An administrative assistant job description varies according to the role and organization. Use this outline as a basis to create a job description that is relevant to your own situation. Type and word-process various documents and electronic information. Create financial and statistical tools and reports using spreadsheets. Manage, organise, and update relevant data using database applications. Communicate and provide information by relevant methods internally and externally to assist and enable organizational operations and effective service to connecting groups. Analyse and interpret financial statistics and other data and produce relevant reports. Interpret instructions and issues arising, and then implement actions according to administrative policies and procedures. Research and investigate information to enable strategic decision-making by others. Arrange and participate in meetings, conferences, and project team activities. Approve decisions, requests, expenditure and recommendations on behalf of senior people in their absence, according to agreed guidelines and policies. Adhere to stated policies and procedures relating to health and safety, and quality management. Adhere to procedures relating to the proper use and care of equipment and materials for which the role has responsibility. switchboard operatorreceptionist - typical job description duties Job purpose outline (example): The primary objective of the Switchboard Operator is to answer a multi-line switchboard quickly (ideally within 3 ring cycles) and direct calls to their destination without delay. Greeting customers, answering questions, announcing calls or providing directions are secondary objectives. The key to the role is in always providing the primary objective whilst delivering the secondary objectives wherever possible but always in such a way that positively affects the customers perception or callvisit experience. Outline duties: Answer a high volume of calls and maintain a rapid response rate according to agreed standards. Log information on calls received, where required and maintain detailed and accurate records. Maintain and update continuously, by local knowledge and by local means, a log of the availability of staff likely to receive inbound calls. File data and perform other routine clerical tasks as assigned and for other departments as needed. Order and maintain relevant office supplies for effectiveness of personal duties. Operate a variety of standard office machines, including a personal computer and a variety of computer software, phone, fax, calculator, shredding machine and photocopy machine. Communicate and liaise verbally and in writing between customerssuppliersvisitorsenquirers and relevant staff, and interpret and respond clearly and effectively to spoken requests over the phone or in person, and to verbal or written instructions. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors and the general public. Perform reception duties in and efficient, professional and courteous manner. Maintain regular consistent and professional attendance, punctuality, personal appearance, and adherence to relevant health amp safety procedures. Pursue personal development of skills and knowledge necessary for the effective performance of the role. health and safety managerdirector - typical job description duties Adjust and refine these core responsibilities for the health and safety function to fit your organization context and the authority of the role. These responsibilities typically reflect a directors responsibilities and so need developing into more specific duties to form a relevant health and safety managers job description relevant to your own situation. Establish, manage and monitor standards, processes, communications, training and systems to ensure: Existence and awareness of a suitable and relevant health and safety policy. A safe workplace without risk to health. Safe plant and machinery, and safe movement, storage and use of articles and substances. Adequate provision of first-aid and welfare facilities and support. Provision of suitable and current information and supervision concerning health and safety policies and practices. Proper and timely assessment of risks to health and safety, and implementation of measures and arrangements identified as necessary from the assessments. Provision of emergency procedures, first-aid facilities, safety signs, relevant protective clothing and equipment, and incident reporting to the relevant authorities. Liaison as necessary with other organizations and relevant authorities, and assistance and cooperation concerning audits and remedial actions. The workplace satisfies health, safety and welfare requirements for ventilation, temperature, lighting, sanitary, washing and rest facilities. Prevention and precautions against, or adequate control of, exposure to hazardous substances, and danger from flammable, explosive, electrical, noise, radiation and manual handling risks. Surveillance and reporting on health and safety practices and systems. Recruitment, selection, management and development of health and safety direct-reporting staff. (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). shop or retailwholesale store manager - typical job description duties Depends on the level of commercial and managerial authority and responsibility, but could include potentially these points: Manage and motivate staff, recruit staff, train and develop staff, according to company policies and employment laws, and ensure relevant HR procedures are followed (appraisals, discipline, grievance, etc). Plan, forecast, report on sales, costs and business performance, according to company requirements. Plan and implement advertising and promotional strategy and activities. Manage cash and payment systems in accordance with company procedures and policies, at all times with staff and customer safety as the uppermost priority. Plan and implement shop merchandising, layout and customer traffic flow so as to maximise sales, customer satisfaction, appearance, image and ergonomics for customers. Manage selling and customer service activities and staff competence in these areas, so as to optimise and sustain sales performance, profitability and customer satisfaction. Manage costs and overheads, and all factors affecting the profitable performance of the shop. Liaise with external agencies and authorities as necessary (advertising, PR, recruitment, training, fire services, police, local council, health and safety inspectors, etc). Liaise with and utilise support from suppliers, merchandisers and other partners as required. Manage, maintain and report as necessary all merchandise and non-merchandise stock. Manage upkeep and condition of all equipment, fixtures and fabric of shop premises. Manage health and safety, security, and emergency systems, capabilities and staff and customer awareness, according to company policy and relevant law. Seek and continuously develop knowledge and information about competitor activity, pricing and tactics, and communicate this to relevant departments in the Company. Manage and maintain effectiveness of IT and other essential in-store systems. Attend meetings and contribute to company strategy and policy-making as required. Develop personal skills and capability through on-going training, as provided by the company or elsewhere subject to Company approval. organisational development manager - typical job description duties Plan, develop and implement strategy for organisational development (covering particular areas relevant to the organisations structure, market etc) Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of organisational performance Monitor, measure and report on organisational development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales Manage and develop direct reporting staff Manage and control departmental expenditure within agreed budgets Liaise with other functionaldepartmental managers so as to understand all necessary aspects of organisational development, and to ensure they are fully informed of organisational development objectives, purposes and achievements Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary organisational development theory and methods and provide suitable interpretation to directors, managers and staff within the organisation Ensure activities meet with and inte grate with organisational requirements for quality management, health and safety, legal stipulations, environmental policies and general duty of care trainertraining manager - typical job description responsibilities Plan departmentalfunctional training budgets, forecast costs and delegate numbers as required by organisational planning and budgeting systems. Assess relevant training needs for staff individuals and organisation, in consultation with departmental heads, including assessment methods and measurement systems entailed. Stay informed as to relevant skill and qualifications levels required by staff for effective performance, and circulate requirements and relevant information to the organisation as appropriate. Produce organisational strategy and plans to meet training and development needs, and manage training delivery, measurement and follow-up as necessary. Design training courses and programmes necessary to meet training needs, or manage this activity via external provider(s). Identify, select and manage external training and accreditation bodies, agencies and providers necessary to deliver required training to appropriate standards. Organise training venues, logistics, transport, accommodation as required to achieve efficient training attendance and delivery. Plan and deliver training courses personally where necessary to augment that provided externally or internally by others. Arrange for the maintenance of all necessary equipment and materials relating to the effective delivery and measurement of training. Recruit, manage and develop direct-reporting staff (if applicable). Ensure all training activities and materials meet with relevant organisational and statutory policies, including health and safety, employment and equality laws. Monitor and report on activities, costs, performance, etc, as required. Develop self, and maintain knowledge in relevant field at all times. training and development manager - typical job description duties Plan, develop and implement strategy for staff training and development, establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of staff training and development Monitor, measure and report on staff training and development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales Manage and develop direct reporting staff Manage and control departmental expenditure within agreed budgets Liaise with other functionaldepartmental managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of staff training and development, and to ensure they are fully informed of staff training and development objectives, purposes and achievements Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary staff training and development theory and methods and provide suitable interpretation to directors, managers and staff within the organisation Ensure activities meet with and integrate with organisational requirements for quali ty management, health and safety, legal stipulations, environmental policies and general duty of care HR (human resources) head or director - typical job description duties Plan, develop and implement strategy for HR management and development (including recruitment and selection policypractices, discipline, grievance, counselling, pay and conditions, contracts, training and development, succession planning, morale and motivation, culture and attitudinal development, performance appraisals and quality management issues - add others if relevant) Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of HR development Monitor, measure and report on HR issues, opportunities and development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales Manage and develop direct reporting staff Manage and control departmental expenditure within agreed budgets Liaise with other functionaldepartmental managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of HR developm ent, and to ensure they are fully informed of HR objectives, purposes and achievements Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary HR development theory and methods and provide suitable interpretation to directors, managers and staff within the organisation Contribute to the evaluation and development of HR strategy and performance in cooperation with the executive team Ensure activities meet with and integrate with organisational requirements for quality management, health and safety, legal stipulations, environmental policies and general duty of care. (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). sales and marketing director - typical job description duties The position reports to the CEOMDGeneral Manager. The purpose of the role is to plan and implement sales and marketing activities in order to meet company targets for retention growth and profitability, and to contribute, as a board member, to the executive management of the company. Plan and implement marketing strategy, including advertising and PR. Plan and implement sales and customer retention and development. Plan and manage sales an marketing resources according to agreed budgets. Contribute to formulation of policy and strategy as a board member. Recruit, manage, train and motivate direct reporting staff according to company procedures, policy and employment law. Maintain administration and relevant reporting and planning systems. Manage relevant reporting of management and financial information for the sales and marketing departments. Select and manage external agencies. Manage RampD and NPD and new business development. Maintain and develop corporate image and reputation, and protect and develop the companys brands via suitable PR activities and intellectual property management. Plan and manage internal communications and awareness of corporate direction, mission, aims and activities (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). quality managerdirector - typical job description duties Develop and implement quality management strategy and plans, including resource, systems, timescales, financials, to support, contribute to, and integrate within, the organisations annual business plan and long term strategy. Develop and maintain systems to establish standards relating to activities and products. Develop and maintain systems to measure performance against established standards. Monitor performance (in relevant areas) according to agreed standards and take necessary action to communicateadviseassist according to performance levels. Monitor and informcommunicateapply standards createdmaintained by external bodies, and integrate within internal quality management systems. Establish and implement necessary communication strategy for the improvement and awareness of quality issues across all departments. Plan and manage departmental activities in accordance with agreed budgets and timescales. Report as necessary on changes in standards (internally and externally initiated) and on performance against standards. Liaise and co-operate with quality management and standards bodies (e. g. BSI, Government Departments, HSE, etc) Manage staff according to company standards (appraisals, discipline, training, development, etc). Manage departmental performance against agreed targets and budgets, and within policies and standards. Liaise with customers and suppliers where necessary (where impactingaffected by quality issues) Contribute to executive policy and strategy. (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). finance director (fd) or chief financial officer (cfo) - typical job description duties This roles responsibilities and authority level depends on what your company is and requires, and, if the role covers statutory administration and reporting, elements of the the role also depend on your countrys company laws (reporting, shareholders, tax, dividends, etc). Business and financial strategy and planning, monitoring, management and reporting, including management and development of policies, systems, processes and personnel involved. Reporting and accounting as per regulatory an legal requirements including taxation, dividends, annual report and accounts. Management of strategy for and liaison with stock market, business press and business analysts community. Financial staff management, motivation, training, recruitment and selection. Contributing to strategic planning and development as a member of executive team, and probably keeping and distributing notes and records, reports to executive and management team. Other areas of potential responsibility: company insurance, importexport administration, licencing, contracts and agreements, legal areas and activities, corporate level negotiations (eg premises, plant, trading, acquisitions and divestments, disposals), major suppliercustomerpartner relationships, regulatory bodies relationships and strategies, approvals and accreditations. Can also include IT responsibilities, especially if there is not an IT director. Can also include environmental responsibilities, if the environmental functionmanager reports to CFO. Can also include quality assurance responsibilities, if the QA functionmanager reports to CFO. Can also include health and safety responsibilities, if the HampS functionmanager reports to CFO. Would also include Company Secretary responsibilities if there is not a separate Co Sec (eg statutory company administration responsibilities depending on relevant legal requirements). (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). chief operating officer or operations director - typical job description duties Plan, develop and implement strategy for operational management and development so as to meet agreed organisational performance plans within agreed budgets and timescales (covering relevant areas of operation - eg manufacturing, distribution, administration, whatever falls within remit according to organisations structure) Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects of operational management and development Monitor, measure and report on operational issues, opportunities and development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales Manage and develop direct reporting staff Manage and control departmental expenditure within agreed budgets Liaise with other functionaldepartmental managers so as to understand all necessary aspects and needs of operational development, and to ensure they are fully informed of operational objectives, purposes and achievements Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary operational development theory and methods and provide suitable interpretation to directors, managers and staff within the organisation Contribute to the evaluation and development of operational strategy and performance in co-optation with the executive team Ensure activities meet with and integrate with organisational requirements for quality management, health and safety, legal stipulations, environmental policies and general duty of care. (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). purchasingbuying managerexecutive - typical job description duties The following areas of responsibility are potentially included in purchasingbuying function. How you form these into purchasing and buying job descriptions depends on the scope of your purchasing departments responsibility your purchasing departments interface with other departments how your purchasing roles are to operate, and the job(s) autonomy, authority and reporting levels: Purchasing policy and planning Departmental staff recruitment, development, training and management Purchasing project prioritisation and management Managing purchasing information and systems, and purchasing services IT Managing purchasing staff managing suppliers, relationships, SLAs (service level agreements) Setting (if no QA function), monitoring and managing quality and QA systems Effective proactive liaison with other departments as necessary to forecast, plan to meet, and to supply demand to relevant quality Effective proactive liaison with other departments re operating, resourcing, services as necessary, eg IT Negotiating and administration of purchasing contracts Make or buy policy analysis and decisions Rent or buy policy evaluation and decisionrecommendation Cost saving budgeting and targeting Setting and planning how to achieve supplier accreditation and service level management Administration and reporting as necessary Accounting evaluation and financial justification inc capital v revenue Outsourcing strategydevelopmentmanagement Payment terms negotiation, optimisation and management Stock and materials management Warehousing, distribution, shipping management (if applicable, or effective liaison with these functionsdepartments) Packaging and transport regulatory awareness, compliance and information communication Health and safety compliance International trading issuesimportslegal, awareness and management (If formal director) Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). chief executive officer (ceo) or managing director - typical job description duties Identify, develop and direct the implementation of business strategy (depending on the situation some criteria may already exist or be established by the organisations chairman, owner(s)shareholders) Plan and direct the organisations activities to achieve statedagreed targets and standards for financial and trading performance, quality, culture and legislative adherence Recruit, select and develop executive team members Direct functions and performance via the executive team Maintain and develop organisational culture, values and reputation in its markets and with all staff, customers, suppliers, partners and regulatoryofficial bodies Report to shareholdersparent board on organisational plans and performance Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). chairmanchairperson - typical job description duties (The chairman is appointed by and reports to the board of directors.) Preside over board or executive committee Supply vision and imagination at the highest level (normally working closely with the MD or CEO) Take chair at general meetings, within which: to ensure orderly conduct fair and appropriate opportunity for all to contribute suitable time allocation per item determining order of agenda directing discussion towards consensus clarifying and summing up actions and policies Act as the organisations representative in its dealings with the outside world Play a leading part in determining composition of board and sub-committees, so as to achieve harmony and effectiveness Take decisions as delegated by the board and where required chair board meetings. Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards, as referenced in. (whatever director policy and standards document you might use). writing job descriptions - summary guidelines A good job description must be a brief concise document - not lots of detail of how each individual task is done, which should be in an operational manual, which can of course then be referenced by very many different job descriptions, saving lots of time, especially when operational details change, as they inevitably do. A job description is in essence a list of 8-15 short sentences or points which cover the main responsibilities of the role, not the detailed processes. Follow the job description structure and guidelines on this webpage - dont get side-tracked or persuaded into writing an operational manual . Detailed tasks belong in an operational manual, not a job description. If your boss or organisation thinks your job description should contain the detail of how you do your job, then encourage himheryour organisation to produce an operational manual instead, and explain the logic and time-saving benefits that are shown on this page. Use the job description structure on this webpage as a template into which you should put your main 8-15 responsibilities. If you need to re-write job descriptions (or your own job description) then structure it in terms of main responsibilities - not the detail. If you wish, or if helpful to arrive at your main responsibilities, you can list the detail of your job tasks elsewhere, as this effectively represents a section in an operations manual - which shows the detail of how the job is done. You can use use the detail to indicate (to yourself) the main responsibilities, but for the job description you must summarise the detail into broad descriptions, for example: All the detail concerned with, for instance invoicing, could be covered by: manage and report on all invoicing activities using agreed systems and processes (as defined in the operational manual). All the detailed process concerned with, say cash management, could be included in manage movement, security and accounting of cash in accordance with agreed processes and standards (as defined in the operating manual). See what I mean Try to identify the main activities by type, not the detail. Where appropriate refer to where the detail is held (for example the operational manual, safety manual, or say agreed proceduresstandards) - do not attempt to include the detail in the job description. It might help to see things in terms of the main types of activities (rather than your specific task detail), as listed at the top of the webpage and listed here again: Bold type indicates that these responsibility areas would normally feature in most job descriptions: communicating (in relation to whom, what, how - and this is applicable to all below) planning and organizing (of what..) managing information or general administration support (of what..) monitoring and reporting (of what..) evaluating and decision-making (of what..) financial budgeting and control (of what..) producing things (what..) maintainingrepairing things (what..) quality control (for production roles normally a separate responsibility otherwise this is generally incorporated within other relevant responsibilities) (of what..) health and safety (normally the same point for all job descriptions of a given staff grade) using equipment and systems (what..) creating and developing things (what..) self-development (no rmally the same point for all job descriptions of a given staff grade) plus any responsibilities for other staff if applicable, typically: recruiting (of direct-reporting staff) assessing (direct-reporting staff) training (direct-reporting staff) managing (direct-reporting staff) Senior roles will include more executive aspects: developing policy duty of care and corporate responsibility formulation of direction and strategy You will find that you can cluster most of the tasks on your (initially very long) list into a list of far fewer broad (but still specific) responsibilities according to the above examples of typical job description activity areas. The tendency when having to create or re-write job descriptions is to under-estimate the strategic nature of the role and responsibilities, and to be too detailed. If writing your own job description, especially if you perform a wide range of responsibilities in a small company, then try to be bold in the way you describe what you do - use the sort of terminology that is found in senior-level job descriptions - it is likely that you could have a similar type of strategic responsibility without realising it or being recognised for it. Doing this will help you and others to recognise, formalise and acknowledge the importance of what you do, and therefore your value to the organisation. It will also suggest several ways in which you could grow and to develop (into) the functions involved, and also indicate ways that the responsibilities activities can be developed, whether you do them or not, although you may be surprised at the high level of your own influence to drive and decide these decisions. Empowerment is often what you make it. authorshipreferencingRob doubled conversion Get more done with freelancers Work with someone perfect for your team Web developers FRONT-END DEVELOPERS BACK-END DEVELOPERS SOFTWARE PROGRAMMERS and more. Mobile utviklere Jeg OS APP DEVELOPERS ANDROID DEVELOPERS UIUX DESIGNERS og mer. Designere Amp Creatives GRAFISKE DESIGNERE UIUX DESIGNERS MOTION GRAPHICS EXPERTS og mer. Forfattere BLOG SKRIVERE INNHOLD SKRIVERE COPYWRITERS og mer. Virtuelle assistenter PERSONALE ASSISTANTER TRANSCRIPTIONISTS WEB RESEARCHERS og mer. Kundeservice agenter TELEFON SUPPORT SPESIALISTER EMAIL SUPPORT EXPERTS LIVE CHAT SUPPORT PROS og mer. Salg amp marketing eksperter SEO SPESIALISTER EMAIL AUTOMATORS MARKETING EXPERTS og mer. Revisorer amp konsulenter TAX REGNSKAPER BOOKKEEPERS FINANSIELLE MODELLER og mer. Se alle kategorierHva det fungerer Legg inn en jobb for å fortelle oss om ditt prosjekt. Well quickly match you with the right freelancers. Here are photos and some advice about changing the head gaskets in a 1998 Subaru Forester 2.5 DOHC (and below, a 2000 Outback SOHC 2.5 for comparison) without pulling the engine. See the photo below: a tight engine compartment that makes head removal quotdifficultquot according to the Haynes manual. I started out thinking that I would use a hoist to remove the engine, but as I only had my one vehicle which was presently not running, I had to rely on friends to help me rent and deliver a hoist and stand. Nobody was available at the time, though, and I live kind of far from the rental company. So after talking to a local mechanic who insisted it could be done by jacking up the engine, I went ahead and tried removing the heads myself without a hoist. Background which you are free to skip if you just want the nuts-and-bolts: I bought this Subaru in 2009 for 3700 (130k, 5-speed, quotSquot model) after having it inspected by a shop. The shop did it for free, which I was surprised by, but not once I realized that thats all their quotinspectionquot was good for: nothing I should have done more research and then I would have noticed the exhaust smell in the overflow tank. Or the bubbles that appeared there once the engine warmed up. Everything became apparent soon after I had used a radiator flush kit and added fresh coolant. My Check Engine Light appeared within 15 miles of doing this, and the engine ran roughly all of a sudden. I went to autozone and had the CEL diagnosed for free: 1 cylinder misfire. After some online research, I realized with mounting horror that I likely had a bad head gasket. Chronic problem with the Phase I DOHC EJ25, so I learned. It helped explain the coolant that disappeared every time I drove it, and the CEL. Ok, I told myself, you just made a terrible decision by overpaying for a POS. I went through the easier options first. Im going to be honest and say I tried Bars Head Gasket Fix, the stuff with copper and sodium silicate, and the stuff in a can that looks like brown goop. No dice. So I upped the ante money-wise and bought Thermagasket. It did seem to improve things insofar as the CEL no longer appeared, and the engine ran better but it still drank coolant and the bubbles in the reservoir were still present. And then a side-effect materialized a day after I used Thermagasket: water pump leak Apparently not an uncommon side effect of using a chemical head sealer laced with metal particles, especially on an engine with high-mileage parts. At least I removed the hoses going to the heater core before using these quotgaskets in a can, quot thus preventing possible damageblockage during this experiment in wasting time and money. Consulting with Thermagasket didnt help, ultimately, so I was left with either paying 1500-1800 to a mechanic. or, doing it myself. Ive replaced a couple head gaskets before, but never on a DOHC Subaru. I hesitated. Thought about it. And then decided to go for it so that I could save . These sites helped me to prep, especially Skips Subaru page (2nd link): Good timing belt instructions in pdf format (I printed this out for a reference): endwrenchimagespdfs2.5Timing. pdf It turned out to be a straightforward job. Not as bad as it sounded at first, but it did take me over a week to complete (including the two days for machine shop work on the heads). Here is the engine looking down from above with the intake manifold and timing belt removed. You can see the heads are close to the frame rails, and there doesnt look like much room to work with. Here is a close-up view of the driver side cams with the valve cover removed - again, its rather tight against the firewall, but everything is accessible with a socket wrench. One problem I ran into was removing the camshaft sprockets. If you look at the photo above, you can see the hex portion of the cam that makes a convenient place to hold the cam with an adjustable wrench. With the engine in the vehicle, though, there is not much room for a wrench. I was able to use an 8quot adjustable and use the frame rails as a stop, but the first cam I tried this with ended up slipping when I applied torque to the sprocket bolt with my 4-foot cheater pipe. Not good. I think you could use a 1quot (25 or 26mm) crow-foot wrench with better results, but no one (not even Sears) had such a size in stock, so I was stuck. I stepped back before scratching my cam any further, and thought about how to best hold that sprocket. and after much searching online, I found this photo which solved the issue: This is how to wrap your old t-belt around the sprocket and the crank: Use a vice-grips to pinch off the loose end to make it tight, and you have a strap wrench. At the same time, use the adjustable wrench on the cam so that you now have two devices to hold the sprocket firm. With the sprockets out, I removed the timing belt covers and the cams, leaving only the heads. I unbolted everything as if I was going to remove the engine (except for the engine-to-trans bolts), and removed the two trans mount bolts in order to prevent stressing the trans when jacking up the engine. I was able to lift either side of the engine about 4-5quot, which proved adequate to remove the heads. Here is a photo showing my method - using the specific bolt loosening sequence in the manual, I got all the bolts loose and then removed the upper head bolts first, then unscrewed the lower head bolts until they were no longer threaded into the block. You cant actually remove the lower head bolts because of the frame rails, but you can dislodge the head and then lift it out of the bay with the lower head bolts still in the head (see the lower bolts in the photo). The heads came out very easily this way. And here is what the block looks like with the heads removed: I was curious to see the faulty gasket, and here it is - it looks like it failed in exactly the same way that Skips gasket failed, and also the other online examples I have seen. Its at the bottom of the cylinder, where your oil and coolant is in constant contact with the gasket (even when the engine isnt running). More proof of how important it is to frequently change coolant and oil in order to keep old fluids from eating away at your gaskets. This was the 13 (passenger side) head gasket, and the leak is also evidenced by the rust seen in the cylinder in the above photo. And here is the old gasket compared to the new one - I got this gasket in a 100 kit off ebay, and the new gasket was obviously better constructed than the original. Its easy to see why these things fail when you see the thin material on the OE gasket. (Note made on 5-11-2010: See the end of this post for remarks on purchasing a quality head gasket. Turns out the ebay gasket was junk) After cleaning the mating surfaces, I reattached the heads using the same method as before, i. e. inserting the lower head bolts into the head and then lowering it into the vehicle and attaching to the block. Here is the birds-eye view of both the driver and passenger sides with heads attached: As you can see, there is actually enough room to work with here, which is important since you will need to apply a torque wrench to those head bolts and cam cap bolts. Also, you will need to buy this 10 tool, a torque angle meter. This is an excellent way to achieve the precise torquing procedure these heads require. Also, I used a 38quot torque wrench for its more compact design, although I think a 12quot version would also fit into the space between the heads and rails. I found that my compact digital camera was an invaluable tool to both document the tear-down process for reminding myself later where everything goes, and also to check the timing marks when attaching the t-belt. With the engine in the car, you cant quite see the crank mark nor the side-sprocket marks - but you can set your camera to the macro setting and use it as an quoteyequot to check your timing marks. Heres how I knew I had the crank marks lined up perfectly: Once I had everything reassembled I got in, turned the key and she fired right up So far, everything seems to be fine and the HG issues have disappeared. Also, the engine runs smoother and more quietly, as I replaced the water pump and the idlers and tensioner. My old water pump was on its last legs and looked a bit crusty with rust. I was interested to see that there wasnt much evidence of the gasket sealers I had tried using at first. But there was some crud built up around the water pump, so I could see how the Thermagasket had affected the pump. One more tip - be sure to spray PB Blaster on your motor mount nuts a day before you remove them. I stripped out one of mine and spent lots of unneccessary time and money by biking to Sears for a bolt-out kit. It worked thankfully, but what a pain. I really took care removing any bolts or nuts afterward, taking care not to strip anything. Update made on 5-11-2010: I made a mistake in this whole repair by installing an quotevergreenquot head gasket which came with my cheap Ebay head gasket kit. It looked fine to me at the time, but 15,000 miles later I received a call from the next owner who said this Forester had bad head gaskets again I cant be sure, but I think it was the cheap gasket itself that was at fault. My reasoning Well, I had the heads cleaned up at a machine shop so I feel certain they were not the problem. The engine head mating surfaces were flat according to my straight edge. So now, when Im in the middle of doing yet another HG replacement on a different Subaru 2.5 DOHC, I happened to research the Ebay head gaskets and found many people who experienced failures after installing them, particularly the brand Evergreen. Some people even had them fail within a few hundred miles. This time I went with more expensive Felpro gaskets. Going to the dealer is the best thing to do though, and at this time they are charging about 50 apiece. Dont skimp on the HGs after doing all this work Update 5-23-2010: In case you were wondering if this same repair is possible for other Subarus, I changed the head gaskets on a 1999 Outback wagon with the engine in the vehicle. I bought the car with the heads off and everything disassembled the owner said his mechanic quit halfway thru the work due to losing his building lease. I put it back together and noticed that the mechanic had removed the intake manifold mount bolts and then left it sitting on top of the engine for ease of re-installation. Saves some time in the reassembly phase. If anyone has questions, feel free to contact me. No doubt these engines are easier to work on when on a stand, but it was also quite simple to do this work in-vehicle. And now, I can get back to using my Forester for its intended purpose - taking me to places like this This month I bought a 2000 Outback 2.5 SOHC with blown head gaskets and a noisy timing belt. I got a good deal on it (1700) and decided to fix it myself, with the experience I had with the 98 Forester (and a couple other late-90s Outbacks). I was curious to see how the newer SOHC engine differed from the older DOHCs. In general, everything is easier about the SOHC. The great news is that 2 major steps can be skipped with the SOHC: You dont need to remove the camshaft sprockets (which always seems to give people trouble), and therefore you dont have to disassemble the lifters nor camshafts either. Also, the timing belt is MUCH easier to install on the SOHC. None of that counting-of-teeth to properly set it - just eyeball the 3 timing marks and slip on the belt. Ill add some photos here to show how to remove the head gaskets on the 2000 Outback: This is a look at the passenger side valve cover. This is lots easier to deal with than the DOHC because the spark plugs can be accessed easier. Heres the technique I used for installing the head. It comes out easy enough by unbolting the motor mounts and transmission mounts, then jacking up the oil pan about 5 inches, then swinging the engine from one side to another to create more space to access the head bolts. (If your rear main seal is leaking oil, best to remove engine to replace seal, otherwise changing the gaskets in-car is preferable for me.) For re-installing (especially without a helper - I did the entire job alone), I used rubber bands to keep the lower head bolts in place. This worked, even though its a bit of a challenge to lower the head into place without scuffing either the gasket or head mating surface. But it can be done, and you can use the tubes that stick out of the engine to hang the head on while youre threading the first bolt (I threaded the top center bolt first to secure the head). Here is the top view of the passenger side head after its installed. Plenty of room to torque the head bolts A few tips about the SOHC: - Again, you dont need to remove the camshaft sprockets - Removing the intake manifold is easier than the DOHC because of fewer connections to undo. It only took about 15 minutes to remove it once I got to that point. - Make sure to line your radiator with a sheet of cardboard to protect against dings - The only gaskets youll need to complete the job are head gaskets (I used Felpro 26415 PT), intake manifold and exhaust manifold gaskets, and valve cover gasket set. You can also change your oil pump gasket, and main seal but if theyre not leaking Id say leave them be.. - If you have an auto transmission, the Haynes manual says you need to get a chain wrench to hold the crank while you undo the crankshaft bolt. Not necessary Underneath the air filter housing is a quotwindowquot on the top of the transmission housing covered by a removable piece of rubber about 3x3 inches. Take off the rubber cover, and youll be able to see the flywheel with holes in it. Stick a sturdy screwdriver into a hole in the flywheel and you can then undoinstall the crank bolt without the engine turning. - All the bolt sizes are the same as with the DOHC Let me know if you have any questions. UPDATE 9-2012: What happens when your timing belt breaks in the Subaru 2.5 SOHC engine So this summer presented a new twist on head gasket repair. I bought a 2002 Outback from a man who had the unfortunate experience of having his timing belt fail within a few months of owning the car. Apparently the timing belt tensioner sheared off, though just how this happened wasnt explained. From what I could piece together it seems the mans wife was trying repeatedly to start the car after the engine quit on her while out for a drive. There was no compression in any of the cylinders, indicating damage to the valves. There was a chance of even more damage to the pistons or cylinders, but this was unlikely given the way these interference engines are designed to fail. When the timing belt breaks, the pistons will collide with the valves which are weaker and bend. But the pistons and other lower engine parts are made to survive such a failure. I removed the heads and 525 later, I had a pair of like-new heads with 16 shiny valves (the guides turned out to be OK) and new cam seals. The machinist didnt seemed too thrilled about Subarus many subtle variations on the same head design and the price it took to restore them was indeed considerably more than for a 350 Chevy. See these photos which show the bent valves and the marks on the pistons where the collisions took place. Some mechanics might wish to grind the impact points on the pistons but I didnt notice anything severe enough to warrant the operation. The cylinder walls appeared normal so I counted myself lucky and went about with reassembly. I used Fel Pro head gaskets (Part 26415 PT). In the spring of 2012, Fel Pro announced that theyd arrived at a more durable design and had an updated version of this gasket. Its an MLS (multi-layer steel) gasket that is superior to Subarus original head gasket, a single-ply design with a black coating thats become infamous for failure. I gashed one of my Fel Pro gaskets on installation (50 mistake), so after some choice obscenities, I needed a new head gasket to ensure a solid repair. I went to the Subaru dealer curious about what they would sell me as a replacement. What I got was Subaru part 11044AA633 which turned out to be a single-ply design head gasket. Is this the latest improved design that best combats head gasket failure I couldnt get a good answer online so I returned the part and went with a new Fel Pro instead. One person I talked to about Subaru head gaskets recommended the brand Six Star, and research showed that some shops in the Northwest swear by this brand. They cost about the same as Fel Pro but I cant attest to which one is better. Generally speaking, the success of a head gasket replacement relies equally on the mechanics attention to detail as much as the actual head gasket. The reassembly process was just as described above for the Outback SOHC. Although, with the rebuilt cylinder heads, I did need to adjust the valves upon reinstallatiion. But this was easy (and far easier than adjusting valves in the DOHC). I installed a new tensioner and the bolt threads needed tapping to remove the broken old tensioner bolt. New idlers and water pump and T-belt completed the job. UPDATE 1-2014: Comparing removal of EJ25 SOHC engine for head gasket replacement vs. leaving the engine in the car In late 2012 I bought a 2002 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport with 149,000 miles on it. It had bad head gaskets so I decided to remove the engine from the car to see how it stacked up time-wise and work-wise to doing the same repair with the engine in the vehicle. It was not too hard to remove the engine, with the most time consuming issue being the separating from the auto transmission bell housing. It was more expense because I had to rent an engine hoist, but it was of course easier to change the head gaskets. It was more work in the end to remove the engine instead of leaving it in the vehicle. But many people probably remove these engines faster than I did. Its really a toss-up for me but I think I will leave the engine in the car next time. Ive kept this Impreza for a year of driving and put 20K miles on it without any issues or leaks. I replaced the original head gaskets with Fel Pro head gaskets (Part 26415 PT), which I would use again without hesitation. Last edited by ArizonaSubaru 01-21-2014 at 08:37 PM. Reason: Updates THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. you just help me prove to my brother and inspired my father in supporting me in my journey to fixing my 98 forester L. If you still remember. can you give me the torque specs for the head bolts, and the others that requires more than 18lbs or torque. the smaller ones are okay. Are Subarus engine harness like Hondas Where they are design to plug in its original spot and not the others I will pm you if I run into any problem with my forester. how long did it take you AWESOME. Ive been wanting to tear off the heads of my new-to-me XT engine (I bought it used) for inspection of damage after timing belt snapped. Anyway, when you removed the cams, did you do anything special The Chilton manual scared me out of taking off the heads because it said I should use a quotspecial cam holding toolquot for something. Have no idea it was talking about. Did you just remove the cams or did you have to do anything special to get them out or was it just a socket wrench, remove parts and pull out And a tip for anyone attempting this, I would highly recommend just pulling the motor. With as much tear down as you have to do to get to them, its another 6 bolts, 4 nuts and 4 flywheel bolts to pull the motor. it honestly takes 3 tools and 30 minutes to pull the motor, then Im thinking it would be MASSIVELY easier to remove the heads and complete the job. Just my pennies on the matter. But GREAT write up regardless, Im going to pull my heads tomorrow to inspect the damage. 2004 XT - RIP 2005 XT - 5MT - 2quot LIFT To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 10 or greater. Du har for øyeblikket 0 innlegg. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. you just help me prove to my brother and inspired my father in supporting me in my journey to fixing my 98 forester L. If you still remember. can you give me the torque specs for the head bolts, and the others that requires more than 18lbs or torque. the smaller ones are okay. Are Subarus engine harness like Hondas Where they are design to plug in its original spot and not the others I will pm you if I run into any problem with my forester. how long did it take you You can do it if I can, believe me..its a challenge but the reward is worth it. It took me about 8-9 days total with breaks in between, including two days off while the heads were getting done. About a week is what I would say. You should get the Haynes manual, which has the critical head torque procedure all spelled out (and the HG job itself). But heres a page with 2.5 DOHC torque specs including the HGs: Subaru Coupes, Sedans and Wagons 1985-96 2.5L Engine Youll need the diagram with the bolt sequence, which is in the Haynes manual. I dont know about Hondas. I had a civic once that i drove to Alaska but never worked on it. It never broke down. Last edited by ArizonaSubaru 07-29-2009 at 12:41 AM. Reason: link add AWESOME. Ive been wanting to tear off the heads of my new-to-me XT engine (I bought it used) for inspection of damage after timing belt snapped. Anyway, when you removed the cams, did you do anything special The Chilton manual scared me out of taking off the heads because it said I should use a quotspecial cam holding toolquot for something. Have no idea it was talking about. Did you just remove the cams or did you have to do anything special to get them out or was it just a socket wrench, remove parts and pull out And a tip for anyone attempting this, I would highly recommend just pulling the motor. With as much tear down as you have to do to get to them, its another 6 bolts, 4 nuts and 4 flywheel bolts to pull the motor. it honestly takes 3 tools and 30 minutes to pull the motor, then Im thinking it would be MASSIVELY easier to remove the heads and complete the job. Just my pennies on the matter. But GREAT write up regardless, Im going to pull my heads tomorrow to inspect the damage. Takk. Hope your engine survived the bad tbelt. For removing the cams, check out my post where I describe the best way to get them out. The challenge is breaking the sprocket bolts free, and they get very tight so get yourself at least a 2-foot cheater pipe, and then hold the cam fast like the photo in that link shows - with your old t-belt wrapped around the sprocket and the crankshaft. At the same time, have a friend hold onto the cam hex with an adjustable wrench. Problem solved As for the HG job, I agree it would be easier overall with the engine out. But I discovered that this engine is simple to work on while in the vehicle, and I would probably do the HGs the same way the next time. Unless a hoist was readily available. Last edited by ArizonaSubaru 07-29-2009 at 12:54 AM. Reason: add info Title goes hereDans thrilled and so is his CEO Get more done with freelancers Work with someone perfect for your team Web developers FRONT-END DEVELOPERS BACK-END DEVELOPERS SOFTWARE PROGRAMMERS and more. Mobile utviklere Jeg OS APP DEVELOPERS ANDROID DEVELOPERS UIUX DESIGNERS og mer. Designere Amp Creatives GRAFISKE DESIGNERE UIUX DESIGNERS MOTION GRAPHICS EXPERTS og mer. Forfattere BLOG SKRIVERE INNHOLD SKRIVERE COPYWRITERS og mer. Virtuelle assistenter PERSONALE ASSISTANTER TRANSCRIPTIONISTS WEB RESEARCHERS og mer. Kundeservice agenter TELEFON SUPPORT SPESIALISTER EMAIL SUPPORT EXPERTS LIVE CHAT SUPPORT PROS og mer. Salg amp marketing eksperter SEO SPESIALISTER EMAIL AUTOMATORS MARKETING EXPERTS og mer. Revisorer amp konsulenter TAX REGNSKAPER BOOKKEEPERS FINANSIELLE MODELLER og mer. Se alle kategorierHva det fungerer Legg inn en jobb for å fortelle oss om ditt prosjekt. Tenk deg raskt sammen med de rette frilanserne.

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